Friday, April 12, 2013

Here’s How You Can Sniff Out a Ratty Ways of a HoodRat And Avoid Getting Played

Bad Boys are to Good Girls what Hood­Rats are to Nice Guys! It seems nice guys do fin­ish last…es­pecial­ly when they choose to date women who are Hood­Rats. I know many kind, hard-working, attrac­tive men who are caught-up in a re­lationship with a straight Rat.
In an ef­fort to ex­pose non­sen­se and ridiculous­ness in the Dat­ing Game, I’m going to re­ve­al the traits of the Hood Rat. Fel­las take note!
If you’ve dated a Rat, you’ll know what I’m talk­ing about. And, if you just want to know the Hood Rat Game so that you can spot the Hood Rat Game…read on!
Peep Game: This female is bad news walk­ing but for some rea­son she’s able to pull de­cent guys on the re­gular. It seems these nice guys are un­able to spot her Ratty Ways, even when she puts them in their faces Date One. I guess it’s the nice guy way…to look past the ob­vi­ous to find some­th­ing good and re­deem­ing in every­one.
The Hood Rat’s Men­tal­ity is, “I Gotta Have It!” “It” may re­present money, a man, a baby…the pos­sibilit­ies are end­less.
She could care less if she’s tak­ing money she knows a man can’t af­ford be­cause of a lie she’s told (i.e. Claim­ing to be pre­gnant so that you can give her money for an ab­or­tion). She could care less if the man she wants is an­oth­er woman’s hus­band. She could care less if the baby she just has to have is made with a man who in­s­ists he’s not ready to have childr­en. The Hood Rat could give a rat’s a$$ about you or your feel­ings. “I gotta get mine,” she’ll say be­fore wav­ing her hand and sas­hay­ing away.
This chick is the type who can’t find her own man but in­stead spends all her time teas­ing and flirt­ing with yours (lad­ies). The Hood Rat, who often needs a place to stay, will jump right into your man’s face as soon as you leave the house and then claim he came after her. While the Rat told you how your man gaw­ked at her while she loun­ged on the couch, she neg­lected to men­tion that she was in a bra and thong pant­ies while she was doing that.
The Hood Rat is look­ing for a sucka…for the night, for the weekend, for the week. She’s not in­teres­ted in a long-term re­lationship so don’t get your hopes up Sucka when she claims “You’re the one!” She’s plott­ing on your a$$! The trap is set. She’s just wait­ing for you to take the bait.
She looks for weak­nesses in your charact­er, then ex­ploits them to the ut­most. All you “Save-A-Puppy”, “Cap­tain Save-A-H#e” type brot­has bet­t­er wake-up! This isn’t the type of chick you want in your fu­ture and she should be avoided at all costs un­less you’re ready to add some­one (name­ly her) to your steady payroll (i.e child sup­port).
The Rat is look­ing in­ces­sant­ly for a come-up! When she asks if you have a girl, she’s rea­l­ly as­k­ing, “Are you that some­body?”
I don’t choose to quote you a bunch of stereotypes, but I will give you guys some signs to look for when you brot­has are out here pro­wl­ing for new pu$$y. Some of these may seem ob­vi­ous but if they were rea­l­ly that ob­vi­ous, the Hood Rat’s op­era­tion would­n’t be as suc­cess­ful as it is. Just ask Kat Stacks! Check it:
  • She’s loud! She wants the whole world to see her so she br­ings at­ten­tion to her­self by talk­ing loud in pub­lic places. “DAMN, I’M HUNG­RY!!!” (Ha! Made you look!)
  • She walks with an ex­ces­sive and un­neces­sa­ry switch. Again, the Rat wants to draw at­ten­tion and the eas­iest way to do that is with a dynamic, hard-to-miss sas­hay.
  • She con­stant­ly an­noun­ces that some dude is sweat­ing her or call­ing her. “Dang! Treyvon just won’t leave me alone! Why he sweat­ing me?” She may seem to be a girl in high de­mand but it’s more often her “Super­head Game” dudes are call­ing for than an­yth­ing else. Did she tell you that? Pro­bab­ly not!
  • She has 3 or more baby dadd­ies and while all of them are de­cent fath­ers, they want NOTH­ING to do with her. In fact, they won’t put a dime in her hand, pre­ferr­ing to drive a co­unt­ry mile to drop of a loaf of bread after work than hand her a $5.00 bill when she shows up at the job claim­ing the kids are hung­ry. The Rat can’t be trus­ted with a wad of cash es­pecial­ly if it’s time to re-up her hair/nail Game.
  • Her kids look like they’ve been through a wind storm but the Rat is dres­sed to the 9′s. While she sports the latest fash­ions, the kids are in clot­hes that are too small and shoes that are too big.
  • Her house is nasty. While dirty clot­hes line the floor and food lines the co­unt­er tops, the Rat is busy curl­ing her hair for that evening’s club ac­tivit­ies. That’d be fine if she had a maid, but you know she doesn’t.
  • She’s known you all of 2 minutes but she’s al­ready sen­d­ing you nude photos and sexy texts.
  • Her baby dadd­ies are re­lated or are friends. She doesn’t see a pro­blem with that! After all she says, “They came after me!”
  • She’s been to court more than once claim­ing that a guy is the fath­er of her child. When that guy is eliminated, she quick­ly pro­duces the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pos­sibilit­ies. That would be ex­cus­able IF the Rat hadn’t cried to the judge about being 100% sure guy #1 was the fath­er. She swore she slept with no one else! I guess she tem­porari­ly for­got about the other 3.
  • On that same note, the Hood Rat doesn’t name the most li­ke­ly fath­er in a patern­ity suit, she names the guy with the most to offer. Even though she knows the truth, she’s sur­prised when the test re­sults don’t sup­port her in­iti­al claims.
  • Her friends are Hood Rats. Birds of a feath­er flock togeth­er! Don’t sleep on the Ratty Ways of her friends. When you’re not around, that’s ex­act­ly what your girl is doing.
  • She stunts on the d#ck Day One! She’s twerk­ing and work­ing your Johnson like you’ve never seen. You’ve been around the block a few times and she’s show­ing you a thing or 2. The Rat has lit­tle or no con­ver­sa­tion so she de­pends on her sexu­al tech­nique to Catch and Keep men.
  • She doesn’t take re­spon­sibil­ity for an­yth­ing. Her kids were taken away be­cause her Baby Daddy is mad she won’t get back with him. Her momma put her out of the house be­cause of her new man. She got fired from the last job be­cause a cus­tom­er who is jeal­ous of her, lied on her to the super­visor.
  • She tells you NOT to wear a con­dom. While most real women want to pro­tect their as­sets, the Hood Rat wants you raw…au naturale. While you’re bask­ing in her love juice, she pas­ses on the gifts that keep on giv­ing or suc­k­ers you into 18-21 years of fin­an­ci­al slave­ry. Her­pes or Child sup­port. You choose!
Bot­tom Line!
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Until next time…Don’t hate the Play­er, Learn the Game!

Friday, April 5, 2013


                           Our Phones ~ Wireless
                           Cooking ~ Fireless
                           Cars ~ Keyless
                           Food ~ Fatless
                           Dress ~ Sleeveless
                           Youth ~ Jobless
                           Leaders ~ Clueless
                           Relationships ~ Meaningless
                          Atitude ~ Careless
                          Wives ~ Fearless
                          Husbands ~ Shameless
                          Babies ~ Fatherless
                          Feelings ~ Heartless
                          Education ~ Valueless
                          Children ~ Mannerless
                          Women ~ Pantiless
                          Everything is becoming LESS!
                          Infact I am ~ Speechless. Lol