Monday, October 24, 2016

70 Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

 You may show your love and care through actions on every single day. But that is not enough! In the long run, to keep your girl happy and satisfied, often you have to appreciate her by telling some cute things from your heart. Who would hate appreciation? Verbalizing your love through sugary coated words is like adding salt content to the final meal. Without that secret ingredient, the whole meal would become tasteless.
 There are many things cute things to say to your girlfriend beyond the sweetest words “I Love You”. No matter whether you two are living far apart or you both are living together, telling these sweet things can make her feel happy and flattened. Not every word you say can win the heart of your girl, but rightly placed words can do wonders. Given below is a list of “70 cute and romantic things to say to your girlfriend”. Bring up these pickup lines at a right time and win her heart.
cute things to say to your girlfriend

Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

1. You are looking gorgeous today just like every other day.
2. How do you look amazing all the time?.
3. It must be difficult for you to be around metals because you attract me always.
4. I can stare at you all round the clock forgetting to blink my eyes forever. But I would still feel like it is not enough.
5 .I can’t wait any further to spend the rest of my life with you.
6. You could have chosen any guy in this world, but still you chose me.
7. I wish my arms could find you when I Wake up.
8. You are the only girl I love in this whole world now, but there would be another girl in about five She would be calling you “MOMMY.”
9.I like to freeze the moments when I’m with you, but even an hour flies past like a second.
10.The way you look at my eyes when every time I bade goodbye makes it really hard for me to walk away from you.
11. Do not change yourself even a bit, because I just love the way you are now.
12. You gave me a thirst to become a better man so that I can be worthy of your love.
13. I wanna kiss every bit of you literally.
14. You make me excited like a child at the theme park.
15.Hugging my pillow, I think of you and spending my every night.
16. I wouldn’t tolerate the pain of missing you when you are not around. Can you stay little longer?
17. Of all the things I have in my life, you are the one thing that makes me feel fortunate.
18. I am the happiest person on the planet when you are with me.
19. I treasure every inch of you. I will not give even a bit of you to anyone.
20.I didn’t believe the concept of soul mate until I see you.
21. When every time I feel low, I just close my eyes and think of you!.
22.I guess we are like swans; we are always meant to be together.
23. The whole world may cry seeing me beside It’s not my fault. Everything is fair in love and war.
24.You are pretty as a peacock, cute as a rabbit, cuddly as a kitten, chirpy as a lovebird, to put it straight you are just amazing.
25.You make every other girl feel so inferior.
26.You must be the god’s masterpiece. He must have wondered when he finished creating you.
27. I feel a racing heart beat when every time I see you!.
28. I love you more than you could ever Imagine.
29. I am afraid I would go crazy If I ever lost you.
30. We must have lived as the perfect couple in another life too because I feel the intimacy right from our first sight.
Every pickup line given in the list of cute things to say to your girlfriend can win a heart of any woman but do not utter these words just to take advantage of others. Spell these lines with love in your heart and see the magic.
31.Talk to me often. My ears are longing to hear your hot voice.
32. If I get a chance to change my appearance, I will transform myself into octopus so that I can hold you with more arms.
33.If I can start a day with you, I would never think of having a coffee.
34. Your lips are like a drug to me. I can’t simply resist myself to stop kissing you.
35.Having you besides to me, I really don’t care about the rest of the world.
36.You should have my eyes to yourself for a moment so that you would know how special you are.
37.I Wish I could shrink you to a pocket-sized object so that I can keep you always with me.
38. We should have the real-time version of time traveling machine so that we can rewind the magical moments when our eyes met for the first time until we feel enough.
39. You must be the daughter of Sun. You brighten up my day whenever I see you!.
40.I smile when every time I look at you. Your eyes should have a built-in camera.
41. If I had ever known, dating you would feel this much fun, I could have started dating you right from my age of 10.
42. It is hot in here. Is it weather or is it just you?
43.Although I felt like I was preparing for something throughout my life, I only figured out what it was when I first met you.
44.I can seize this world with my single hand as long as my other hand is holding yours.
45. People say perfection doesn’t exist. I guess they have not seen you yet.
46. When every time I hold you close, I fight with my inner demon to let you go.
47.You are a magician. Whenever I look into your eyes, all I can see is you. Everything else disappears.
48. When next time you see a shooting star falling from the sky, close your eyes immediately & make a wish. It worked when I wished for you!.
49.My knees are hurting. Don’t make me fall for you every day.
50. I wanna grow old with you.
                              To woo your girlfriend, just finding the nice things to say to your girlfriend is not enough. When and where you are conveying any particular message is still matters. To make it more effective, you can do alterations and add a personal touch to these one liners. 
51. Last night I sent an angel to look over you as you slept. The angel returned to me and when I asked why? The angel said that angels do not watch over angels. 
52. Every time I see you, I love you more than before. 
53. I love the way you feel in my arms when I hug you goodbye.
54.Yesterday, I was staring at the sky and assigned a value to each star with a reason why I love you. It was going great until the darkness wind off and stars disappear.
55. My choices never fail. I have chosen you!.
56. You look even cute while you asleep.
57.Just wanted to say that someone is thinking of you right now.
58. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life.
59. Falling in love with you is one of the best things that ever happened in my life.
60.For me, a life without you is next to Impossible.
61. I can state million reasons to why I love you over anyone else.
62. Any guy on earth would say million reasons for why you should have been given as his girlfriend.
63. No matter how busy I am, spending time with you would be my first priority.
64. You are important to me like an oxygen. I would die without you.
65.If loving and kissing you is a crime then I could spend my lifetime in prison by committing that crime.
66. Words will seem not enough when I try to explain how amazing you are.
67.I can do anything to see you smile.
68. I can trade my life for you, if needed.
69.Loving you is as same as breathing air. It is already designed inherently.
70.You are my most favorite reason that turns my nights sleepless.
Without any doubt, telling these cute things to say to your girlfriend will increase her self-confidence. It will make her feel special, loved and cared for. Apart from these, you can say many more nice and romantic things to turn your relationship more loving and happy.

Now It’s Time To Show Your Love Through Actions

Verbalizing how you feel about your girl can spark an instance romance. That’s great. But in the long run, to keep that spark ever glow, you have to show your love equally through actions as well.
Woman will love it when you
  • Behave honest, loving and caring.
  • Talk about her beauty.
  • Complement her hairstyles & outfit.
  • Carry her bags while she do
  • Say “I Love You” while making eye contact.
Say cute things to your girlfriend often. Show your love remain loyal in your relationship. You will see how your two hearts unites into one.

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