Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What Do Men Want In A Woman?

Opposing to what you have been thinking these days – guys are not looking out for a gorgeous or sexy supermodel. In fact, he is on the hunt for his ideal match: a lady, who is so down-to-earth, cheerful, sweet & sensitive to all his needs. So, what do men want in a woman actually? This is something this article is going to tell you about. Check these 9 qualities he is secretly looking out in his soul mate.

What Do Men Want In A Woman

Here are 9 attractive traits, which every man has in his mind while deciding if a woman is of good material to spend his entire life with.

1. Confidence

When it comes to what do men want in a woman, the first thing he looks for is none other than the kind of confidence she carries. This is the kind of quality that impresses him to see her as his perfect soul mate. Learn what guys think when you just say “Does this short skirt makes my thighs appear fat?”. This easily makes him conclude that you are not even confident what you have bought for yourself. So, just stop asking that. If you like it, then have the guts to carry it. This is something he will appreciate.

2. Intelligence

Smartness, presence of mind and sharpness are few qualities men look for in women. He wants her to stand up equally with him. Be little savvy too, as this might easily turn him on.

3. Playful

Yet another important quality on what do men want in a woman is “being playful”. This is something that drives him wild & invites him to a “deeper connection” level. A man always love being active and playful. So, he wants the same quality to be in his female too. Sadly, most women forget this & go with their own way of getting into his heart. Well, to put it in simpler terms – it’s not your words that attract him, it’s the kind of experience you make with him. Consider playing or watching sports together. Be little competitive in games and even add some teasing & sarcasm – you will actually ramp up his interest and attraction.

4. Being Buddy

This is another quality men watch for. When there is something wrong happening in his life, act like a friend. Make him comfortable and happy, especially, when you are with his friends or other important people. Never laugh at him or crack some unwanted jokes about him that hurts.Acting as a buddy is one of the main qualities i wish to share with you in what do men want in woman.

5. Independent

This is one of the most significant qualities to mark on what do men want in a woman. Many women misunderstand that men look for a woman, who is weaker and dependent. No, this isn’t true. They prefer a woman, who is smart, powerful and independent about everything. Moreover, he wants his soul mate to inspire him with the kind of things she does. So, ladies out there – live with a purpose! A great man is not intimidated by success and independence. What literally matters is a woman being able to carry out things perfectly in her relationship with the space he offers and still come out in flying colors. Never drop your passion, interests, friends and responsibilities just to spend most of your time with him.

6. Spontaneity

Spontaneity has to be there in a relationship. There are times when you may get stuck exactly on the planned Friday dinner date. What happens is — you begin to lose the spark, which you 2 earlier enjoyed together. Never let this happen. Make sure that all your work is finished on time and you never end up cancelling the dinner plan you made with him. If you ask what do men want in woman you can hear him saying this same.

7. Honest

What is that one thing that you can do to have a healthy relationship with him forever? The logic is pretty simple. Be honest and never let his trust to go down that he has on you. He will never be able to see you as a special one if you aren’t honest with him. Keep each thing about you and your life completely open. Those little white lies and flirty texts to an old friend (guy) from college will easily get out of control. It leads to a bigger blown fight – finally a breakup.

8. Supportive

Even the strongest man will love it when you take care of his needs and be supportive most of the time. He searches this quality in a woman. No matter what hardships he is going through, the sort of support that you give him makes him stay motivated. Stand by him with any life choice – it can be moving to another city or changing his career. Make him feel that you are there always to help. Be supporting & not suffocating!

9. Be What You Are

Last but not the least on what do men want in a woman is none other than to be what you’re! It is quite normal to put out your best in front of others, particularly in early relationship stages. However, wearing this mask often makes it impossible for you to take it off. The only way for a relationship to last longer is when you are real. If you are an aspirant screenwriter, who have your head in some books but still likes to freak out & play basketball from time-to-time, then don’t hesitate. Don’t act as if you just love photography to the core or too fashion-obsessed. So, just be what you are! This is something that attracts him.

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