Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to me

I'm so very blessed not just on my birthday
For all the friends and family God has sent my way
Although this day in the natural was my birth
I celebrate everyday for God showing me my purpose and worth
And as I count my blessings I thank God for all of you
For Love is the greatest gift we can all share too!
Thank-you each and everyone for being a part of my life,
I love you all dearly and for your love,calls,cards and wishes
ongoing.Thank-you and May God Bless You Each and Everyone!
Ally sent me a truck load,lol!
And she has most of my name tags made :-)
Thank-you Wendy,Joy,Ethel,Helen,Thelma,June,,Yvonne,Shancie,Hilda,Kevin and Nana
For the many graphics and goodies over the years.
Most recent thank-you Mo'nique for all your gifts too!

Just in time my biggest and bestest gift ever,just got a text online
My best Pal Chris's 1st baby came on my birthday!!







Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012


What you do comes back to you,
Is an age old saying,
But have you ever wondered?
to make it come back to us,
A hurt soul is praying.

The first step is Killing our conscience,
The rest just starts to follow,
Playing with hearts,Playing with emotions,
Oh! Human minds can be so shallow.

We move on with our respective lives,
leaving someone we hurt along the way,
And when life begins to take an ugly turn,
We beg for mercy and begin to pray.

For every tear you make someone shed,
More tears would come back to you,
For every time you pinch a heart,
There's something bigger to pinch you.

Watch your thoughts,watch your actions
Because life gives a second chance to very few,
You cannot escape the wrong that you do,
For there is always karma to give it back to you.

There are people who die everyday,
Because of the feelings someone made them feel,
The question now remains:
When what goes around,comes back to you,
Will you be able to deal?

If women ruled the world

Appreciate Life

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Itz my sister’s birthday on 4th December

Dono why, I did acted quiet weird this time.
Never i had wished her before the way i did this year.
 Some real good feeling of being a proud brother to my sweet sibling sister.
I was and am very happy that i called and wished my sister.
 Somethings are better left unexplained…!!! :)
That moment i promised to myself that i will always be supporting her in all happiness and hardships of life…!!!
Sometimes it also thrills to be an emotional person to face the world courageously with added responsibility…!!! :)

Monday, December 3, 2012


The Son-Flower

                                              The Son-Flower Refuses Darkness
                                              Keeps Petals Blocked, in Black-Blight
                                              Its Stem and Leaves Won’t Fall
                                             And Only Opens To The Light

                                             It Reaches Toward The Son
                                             It Faces Towards The Sky
                                            And Follows Every Step
                                           Of Son-Shine (or Gives A Good Try)

                                           And When Its Fully Flowered
                                            It’s A Beauty to Behold!
                                            And So The Son-Light Gives It
                                           The Rich Color of Son-Gold …

                                           … To Reflect The Son’s Path
                                          And To Bask in Full Son-Power
                                          Oh How Lovely and Loyal
                                           Is The Faithful Son-Flower



Listen to the voice inside, listen with your heart to a silence I can no longer contain.

Listen to the slow melodic tune, the ferocious drumming beat inside the vessel.

Listen to the secret story of your words in my mind.

Listen to the increase in tempo,

Listen to the slow swaying of my movement to your beat.

Listen to the thumping of your footsteps on my heart.

Listen in silence to the noise you create.

Listen to the fury of these beats,

The onomatopoeic sweet serenade of your love inside me.

Listen to the victory dance your smile ululates to in my mind.

Listen to the silent war song you whisper with your eyes…

Listen to the flowing fountain of your gentle touch healing my open wounds,

Listen to the flow of the current through me,

Listen to my prayer for you every day asking for you to be the perfect one.

Listen to the flow, the flow of your love through me.

Listen to your war song causing triumph in me.

Listen to your war song singing melodies in the words I speak.

Listen to your war song cascade through my actions.

Listen, listen to, listen to your, listen to your war song in my heart.

LORD tell me if the words I hear are words true to the promise you have instore for me...


Listening to my heart...