Friday, December 7, 2012


What you do comes back to you,
Is an age old saying,
But have you ever wondered?
to make it come back to us,
A hurt soul is praying.

The first step is Killing our conscience,
The rest just starts to follow,
Playing with hearts,Playing with emotions,
Oh! Human minds can be so shallow.

We move on with our respective lives,
leaving someone we hurt along the way,
And when life begins to take an ugly turn,
We beg for mercy and begin to pray.

For every tear you make someone shed,
More tears would come back to you,
For every time you pinch a heart,
There's something bigger to pinch you.

Watch your thoughts,watch your actions
Because life gives a second chance to very few,
You cannot escape the wrong that you do,
For there is always karma to give it back to you.

There are people who die everyday,
Because of the feelings someone made them feel,
The question now remains:
When what goes around,comes back to you,
Will you be able to deal?

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