Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Gone in 60 Seconds.

I had planned to surprise Kaspun on Friday. I wanted to take her out as a part of my plan to play backup to a Hero. Those plans got cancelled when she was around Alliance Franchise through at the last minute. So of course I ended up going out still convinced I would surprise her. I already had a plan in place, I didn't want to waste it. Just amusing that the night I planned to surprise she was most definitely with her pals.that just happened to be my pals' girl. Though am not good with names, I remember meeting up with them in 680 hotel where they had a function and it looked like they had a lot going on between them. As much as I didn't know what was happening, I noticed they had a thing or two.Anyway back to my situation.. Since Kaspun had told me where she was and I was already in a matatu heading to westlands' Skylux. I decided to go and meet her , i alighted the matatu and headed to where she was.. The first person I came to meet was her pal seated down. So i decided to say hi since i was looking for Jacque (another name for Kaspun). Anyway she reminded me her name which unfortunately I cant recall but she had glasses on and I believe she is best of friend with Kaspun. I wanted to ask where she was but I decided not to and just have my cool . Several catch ups I heard Kaspun's voice from the back and turned around and found her with some of her pals..
I decided not to disturb but just ignore since i didnt want to be a bother, I continued chatting with her and decided that it was fit if I just left and go on with my planned night out.. I decided to go to secret lounge and have two for the road as waited for a call from my boy Mitch so that we could go about with our rants at night .. To my surprise that's how I did miss Kaspun that night considering that just because of wrong negative decision of just in sixty seconds.. I was gone by the time those 60 seconds had elapsed but I do promise to make up for her anyways.. 
After all that my pal Mitch called and told me that he was already in westlands so i took my last beer and headed there.
We hit up this club I had been hearing about for years and had never made it to. Something about a club under the ground gives it an interesting appeal. Not the "upscale" type I usually do. I liked it. Nice to have a change of pace. On the way there I told him that his intuition had been right . I didn't go into details but I told him when, and how, and most importantly(at least to me) why I lied. As I expected, he completely understood. He said he'd always known and was pretty sure he knew why I lied about it. The conversation drifted off from there to the chain this had become: he and I, and CT and the other chick. It's amusing to us both; the entire chain of events is just plain amusing. 

 I had no doubt that it would have been a pleasant night if only Kaspun would have been it coz she's so much like myself extroverted in appearance but introverted at second glance. Most people just don't take that second glance at her. I'm glad I did.
To summarize my gone in 60 second , I haven't had a second chance to meet her but Kaspun since this is written for you , I request that you find that time and I will be gone in never.

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