Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This one is a continuation for my favorite work mate Pearl Njeri Kiarie's Topic so just Enjoy it too
   6 days ago I decided to help out my pal Pearl just to try and understand us male just how we do behave and carry on with our daily thinking and reactions.. So today i decided to continue with writing the continuation of the previous blog so that you would understand just how we do think.
  So pearl today I just want to continue by giving you a chance to understand men's behavior by some of the words we do use just to keep you up to date with what they really mean .
  You probably learned a whole new language in Internet lingo with terms like “cache” and “cookies” meaning something completely different than dollars and Mint Milanos. But hey, you’ve adapted…except for when it comes to communication with your man. There doesn’t seem to be an operations manual to help you deal with male behavior and that’s why you’ve created “Y-Speak” as your guide to decoding the thoughts, opinions, and communication style of our Y-chromosome partners. So when He uses this words in communicating with you. just know this is what he really means :-
LATER: usually meaning any time after now. When a guy says “later,” it could mean tonight, tomorrow, next week, or maybe even never. How does one set their clock to “later?” You can’t. Just don’t be waiting around thinking later will be any time soon.
THE IMPORTANCE OF SPORTS: Please remember that a game is not “just a stupid game.” Sports is a part of who men are except for this writer who has no interest in sports whatsoever. It is their culture much like beauty, shopping, and fashion are to you ladies. Guys were playing sports as soon as they could learn to walk and they did much of their maturing and interaction with one another on a sports field. It is where they learned teamwork, strategy, competition, and many other facets of life and sociology and that is why it remains important to them no matter how old they are.
MULTI-TASKING: when a man multi-tasks, that means he is reading on the toilet. Guys are extremely focused, simple, one-track mind individuals in that they cannot juggle a laundry list of things to do like we can. If you communicate one thought at a time to them, you will be much better off.
SILENCE/GRUNT: if you ask your guy a question and there is no response or just a caveman-like grunt, it doesn’t mean silent agreement or that he is intentionally ignoring you. As to the point above, if a guy is reading the paper, watching TV, or even figuring out what color socks to put on, that is where his brain is focused and while he may have heard your question somewhere off in the distance, it hasn’t yet registered with him so you’ll need to interrupt him to see if you can ask him a question. I know…seems redundant, but that’s how they function.
“WE HAVE TO TALK”: if you want to create sheer terror inside your man, just say “we have to talk.” Same thing happens to you ladies and Pearl am pretty sure you can testify and back me up on this. am pretty sure you know what I mean lol. Guys are sure they are about to hear complaints, corrections, and what horrible human beings they are — or worse, nagging about the “M” word. Guys don’t want to talk about the relationship and their feelings. They want to experience them. And for the most part, they feel if they are spending time with you it’s because they want to…and things will evolve naturally. There’s no need to have to “talk” about it.
CONFRONTATION: this belongs on the sports field, NOT in the bedroom, on the couch, or across the kitchen table or via a phone call or text message. Guys just don’t like confrontation — chalk it up to feeling as if they are being reprimanded by their mother. If a man feels like he is being accused of anything or he needs to answer about something, he will do whatever it takes to avoid confrontation. He will walk out of the room, not return phone calls, or simply just never see you again.
THE INQUISITION: Casually ask a guy what he did last night with his friends or who he was talking with on the phone and he will feel as if he is being interrogated. Guys just don’t want to talk about what they do when they are not with you — and that includes past relationships. If you feel like he is shutting down and being difficult, it’s because he just doesn’t want to talk about it. Granted, that kicks off alarm bells in women because we start wondering if he’s cheating, but don’t always be so suspicious…it’s just how they are wired.
FIDELITY: Women were created to be nurturers, men were created to be breeders. Men have a basic, ingrained instinct to want to have sex with everything that crosses their path. So why are men faithful? Because at some point in their lives they decide to trade-off the ability to sleep with anyone and everyone in order to gain companionship, love, and greater societal acceptance — but it doesn’t mean the urge isn’t still there.
VISUAL VS. VERBAL: Men get turned on by what they see (sexy women, sports cars, big power tools) while women get turned on more by what they experience through communication and interaction(Okay most definitely I read this in one of the books in the library). But That’s why a guy’s head is always going to turn when a beautiful woman or hot car passes by while a woman feels more excited by a man telling her how much he cares for her(This is just my explanation though).
NAGGING: Along the same lines, women are more verbal about what bothers them, what they want to change or correct in their mate, etc. Guys, for the most part, are more laid-back. They accept many more flaws in their partners than women do and aren’t prone to initiate talks to change behaviors or attitudes.
ON THE ROAD TO PANTYVILLE: a man wants to get laid pure and simple. There’s no romance or long-term commitment. He just wants to see whether you wear bikinis or thongs, and what you’ve got under them. And if you’ve been with a guy who is “On The Road to Pantyville,” it’s highly likely you won’t hear from him again — he’s already made it to his intended destination.
EXPENSIVE LINGERIE: Speaking of panties, remember that expensive, lacy, sexy lingerie is for you, not for him. Guys are happy with a split-second look at your Victoria’s Secret goodies, but in their minds, what’s underneath is more important and they simply want it OFF!
So Pearl Now you’ve got a much better idea of what goes on in the head of your man. and for a reason or so if you may want me to continue with writing about this halla and you will get more of it later.. Get it LATER..


  1. You have totally outdone yourself. with the sports I always respect that. I hope I don't have a guy who has the second last quality though..

  2. Most of them have that trait though.. The road to pantyville lol. Just pray hard you dont meet such
