Tuesday, November 15, 2016

4 Different Types Of Girls

A man has 4 different types of girls..
2.Baby Girl
3.Side Piece
4.Jump Off

1)Wifey is the sexiest, most successful and most respected of all
the women. She is loved, needed and wanted by her man...she is
VIRTUALLY IRREPLACEABLE. She is the girl that the guy loves and will
always love, he never wants to see her with another man...BUT he will
cheat on her with Baby Girl until he is mature enough to realize that if he
gets caught or fucks up in any way and loses Wifey, he would be screwed,
and NEVER be happy again. Wifey gets along with mom, is independent,
never nags, loves to dress sexy for her man, can cook and loves to keep
a clean house. Wifey gets called 5 or 6 times a day. Drawback of Wifey,
she loves public displays of affection... which might intefere with the
acquisition of a Side Piece.

2)Baby Girl is ALWAYS just as hot as wifey and usually has a
very active social life...she IS replaceable, thinks she's the next Wifey,
but will only be Wifey if an extreme disaster takes place.
Baby Girl gets some of the benefits of Wifey, like quality time every
now and then and even presents on birthdays and holidays, but thats as
far as it goes. The main reason to have Baby Girl is in case Wife
really really fucks up, she can be replaced in a matter of weeks because
Baby Girl has been groomed to slip right into her spot. Be careful of
Baby Girl, she tends to be just as attached as Wifey and therefore can
be dangerous to the Side Piece. Biggest benefit of Baby Girl...she is
extremely private and hates causing a scene, baby girl can come into
the same restaurant as you and wifey and wifey will have no idea you
two even know each other. Baby Girl is a master of disguise as well.

3)Side Piece, usually a female that the guy uses only for sex
other pleasures, she is usually the one that he goes to for that 3some
or some late night head after the club. When Wifey is acting up and
Baby Girl is at work, the Side Piece is usually the one to hold him
over for a few hrs. He can meet with the Side Piece for reasons other
than sex, but normally that only happens one week during the month.
Side Pieces are hard to spot when they are out because most of her
friends are either Wifey's or Jump Offs.
Drawback of having more than one side piece, they usually know each
other somehow...we kinda think there is a side piece network.com or
something. Try to keep your side piece count below 4 if possible.

4)Jump Off...every mans dream and worst nightmare. She is trying
to move up in life, wants to be a Side Piece or Wifey but doesnt know
how to go about it.They are just the girls he hollas at when he is
with his boys...she is usually stored in the cell phone by a nickname
because he barely remembers her real name and where he met her...he
only recalls how fat her ass was. The Jump Off gets called in
emergencies only, when wifey is moody, baby girl is on vacation and side
piece is with her baby's father. The Jump Off is extremely dangerous in
public for a number of reasons, she is usually 5 other guys jump off as
well, so she might cause drama with you and one of those dudes if you
slip up, she also has no problem confronting you in the mall when you
are with Wifey (something that baby girl would NEVER do) and the most
dangerous thing about Jump Off...she ALWAYS seems to find out where you
live and or work.

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