Friday, December 16, 2016

Bustin’ a Nut

Forgive me for venting, but don’t you think nuts get unfairly branded negatively just about everywhere you turn? I’m not sure who decided on the marketing decision to use nuts as a frame of reference for just about everything that isn’t wonderful in the world…but whoever it was has totally ruined the good nut name for generations since, and I for one think it’s not right.

This is how much it upsets me (approximately).

Everywhere a nut dares to venture in the world it has to face horrendous stereotypes…typecast automatically before anyone can even get to know it. That’s largely because the n word has been stretched and contorted out of all reality, and transformed into something that it doesn’t resemble at all…here are just a few unfortunate but all too real examples:

“That guy licking his dog’s leash looks like a nutter – let’s cross the road.” – when detailing a possibly mentally ill man, and his infatuation with an inanimate object.

“He thought he had came back from the dead to spread Noah’s message. He was completely off his nut.” – when gossiping about a friend’s recent revelatory adventure whilst in the throes of an opiate high.

“Urgh, this disgusting salad has a nutty taste…let’s go get a burger instead.” – when blaming nuts for the overall dissatisfaction you have with your grossly unfulfilling healthy choice.

Aragon is absolutely sick of it.

But you see it shouldn’t be this way, and we can be the change. After all nuts can be your friend, if you would only look past all of the false tall tales and into your heart. They can be great sources of protein, and from my personal experience are great listeners. They’re also rich in antioxidants, and have a number of other uses; such as something to throw off people who get too close to your picnic, a last alternative to have with beer if the world runs out of salty/cheesy snacks, and a whole host of chat up lines – such as “you remind me of a walnut, because you have a brain and I want to eat it.”

With all these plus points it’s an absolute insult that they remain slandered at every opportunity…so what are you waiting for? Get out there and reclaim nuts for all of their positive traits! Don’t let a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of them…

For the record she loves nuts.
…and if you really have to hate on a certain group, make it apples. They don’t keep the doctor away at all – just ask Snow White.

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