Saturday, December 24, 2016


At A Birthday Party
Goodbye 28, Hello 29! Is it me, or is time going faster? Is this a sign? Am I getting older? I am pretty sure the days and hours are just the same. However, I still feel as though there is NEVER ENOUGH TIME in a day or week to do what I need to do! (Rant Over) All joking aside 28 has been one of the best years of my life. I fell sick on 1st January for a month and had to quit my job at k.p.l.c.
Being that today is my birthday I have been playing a memory wheel of the past year in my head. It’s amazing how many things can change in 365 days. I have learned so much about myself this year, not to mention how important it is to truly keep God 1st in all you do.


What I Have Learned:
-I need to slow down and enjoy the moment.
-Be present and put the phone down (I am on any social media platform you can mention!)
-Plans and people change, get over it.
-People aren’t as though they seem, therefore dust it off and move forward.


My Goals For This Year:
-Go back to Meru.
-Get dates planned to go to Europe (Paris, Italy and London presumably).
-Start growing my family.
-Launching the second part of my vision. ( We will save this for another post)
-Surround myself with people that truly support and understand my madness.
-Not to skip the gym! ( Hell nah! What, I like my sleep!Infact I have never been a member)
Cheers to 29! The Best is yet to come! Now, I must go pack!
And Happy Birthday to Cyril Ochieng' and thats me.

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