Saturday, December 24, 2016


Birthdays are kind of the worst. The expectations and the attention. I don't even like cake. Don't judge me. I have a soul, I promise. That soul just happens to be committed to Booze. A lot of people think that a birthday for me is this huge accomplishment and they make it weird, like a celebration, which ends up feeling more like a countdown than a count-up. I don't mean to be crabby about it; I guess it is a big deal. I don't know the statistics, but a lot of people who are in my boat never make it to twenty-nine. Did I mention I'm twenty-nine? It's funny, I feel like I deserve a much larger number.
    My Recap Of twenty-nine:
  • Fell Sick!
  • I had to quit my job.
  • Went to my first blind date.
  • Was humiliated in the love department (no comment - see previous posts - ugh).
  • Got high off of alcohol. (Do not take booze from strangers... no matter how cute they are.)
  • And I FINALLY figured out my hair aka how to make it look less like a hat and more hair-shaped.
My birthday always makes me think of my mom. She's just this big mystery to me. Where she is, what she's like, what I'd be like if she hadn't left. But if twenty-eight taught me anything it's to not waste my time on "what ifs." So, in the spirit of staying positive, I'd like to say that the best bullet point on my recap list this year has to be:
  • to find someone who will make my life and my year be peaceful and to enjoy it to the fullest :)
  • To have my bussines be stable and be internationally known.
Can't wait to see what's to come for me this year. Stay tuned.


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