Saturday, December 24, 2016

It's My Birthday.... 3 Things I've Learned

Today is my birthday. So today I wanted to take a second to thank you for your wishes and share a few lessons I’ve learned in 29 years.

“What’s your greatest fear?” When I used to hear people ask me this godforsaken question. I guess I never really understood it. I would say, “Nothing” and they would look at me like I was crazy. I thought fear meant an animalistic, physical sensation like some predatory animal was chasing me. It turns out fear is a lot more subtle.
  • I’m afraid of being ordinary. 
  • I’m afraid of thinking small.
  •  A lot of us are afraid of failure, or looking stupid, or of our friends thinking we got “too big for our britches.”

“What keeps you up at night?” Another phrase I didn’t understand. Dumb & Literal Cyrilt was like, “HUH? I SLEEP GREAT!” Well, now I get it. Maybe it doesn’t literally mean what prevents you from going to sleep…but what is on your mind ALL THE TIME? For me, it’s not revenue or launches or my alcohol. It’s people problems and people management (the special challenges that come with growing a company).

“Keep trying new things.” There’s another phrase I’ve been thinking about: “Keep trying new things.” On the surface, it sounds so normal — duh, of course I should keep trying new things. But think about our daily schedule: Most of us go to work, come home, maybe work out or watch TV, then do it all over again…for the rest of our lives. Maybe there’s a 1-week vacation thrown in there every year. And and an outing with my special friends.
And yet a tiny change can change everything.

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